Why are my progesterone levels low?
May 31
Progesterone is a crucial hormone that plays a vital role in the female reproductive system and conception. Progesterone is responsible...
Why you need to care about your egg quality if you want to conceive
May 14
If you're trying to conceive or going through the process of IVF, you might have he ard the term "egg quality" thrown around. But what...
Our Breastfeeding Journey
May 10
This post was definitely one I had to think about sharing, it was difficult for me to write. It feels very vulnerable for me to share my...
9 Ways to improve your health this year
Jan 21, 2019
At this time of year so many of us are setting goals for our health, career and life as a whole (and some of us may have already fallen...
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
Jan 14, 2019
Do you experience headaches, sinus pain, fatigue, hoarseness, confusion, shortness of breath, dizziness, memory problems or throat...
Supplement protocol to reverse Fatigue, Autoimmune disease and...
Dec 3, 2018
So often i am asked ‘what should I take to reverse my low energy or autoimmune disease?’. The truth is, not all protocols will work for...
Did you know trauma is linked to auto-immune disease?
Nov 4, 2018
We all know and give lip service to how stress can impact our health. But did you know retrospective studies reveal that emotional stress...
The Truth About Detox Programs
Oct 9, 2018
And why most detox programs are useless... Feeling sluggish after winter? Many of us reach for the comfort foods a little too often when...
How yoga can help you heal Autoimmune Disease
Sept 23, 2018
What do I love most about a consistent yoga practice? Well, like many of us I have a very busy mind. Before I began my yoga journey I...
Did you know EBV + Breast Implant Illness are linked?
In clinic I have seen a number of women with BII test positive for a current viral infection such as Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) or...
6 Signs you may be dealing with Candida post surgery
Sept 20, 2018
Candida is typically found in small amounts in the mouth and intestines and on the skin, at normal levels Candida is not problematic....
Self Care: Why those with chronic Illness avoid it
Self Care: Did you know its common for women with chronic illness to put self care on the back burner? Or even unconsciously avoid it?...
Top 5 ways Infrared Saunas help you heal Autoimmune Disease
Sept 14, 2018
From the moment I stepped foot into an infrared sauna, I was in love. Well, i didn't necessarily fall in love with the heated box itself,...
Is Breast Implant Illness Real?
Aug 27, 2018
Well, it definitely was for me, and close to 50,000 women that joined a worldwide Facebook group. Breast implants are a controversial...
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